Install Horde Groupware Webmail Edition Centos

  1. Horde Groupware Install

Download di:2. Ekstrak file horde-webmail-lates.tar.gz di htdocs, misalkan dlm direktori /var/www/htmldg perintah # tar -xzvf horde-webmail-lates.tar.gz3. Ganti nama direktori menjadi horde, dg perintah # mv horde-webmail-1.2.6 horde4. Ganti hak akses menjadi apache, dg perintah # chown -fR apache.apache horde5.

Install Horde Groupware Webmail Edition Centos

Buat database horde dan hak aksesnya dg username horde dan password horde utk database horde di mysql, dg perintah# mysql -u root -pEnter password:mysql create database horde;mysql grant all privileges on horde. to horde@localhost identified by ‘horde’ with grant option;mysql q#6. Berikutnya konfigurasi dg menjalankan script setup.php, dg perintah# cd horde#./scripts/setup.phpWhat is the web root path on your web server for this installation, i.e. The path of the address you use to access Horde Groupware Webmail Edition in your browser?

/horde EnterHorde Groupware Webmail Edition Configuration Menu(0) Exit(1) Configure database settings(2) Create database or tables(3) Configure administrator settings(4) Update PEAR for a new or changed location(5) Update from an older Horde Groupware Webmail Edition versionType your choice: 1What database backend should we use? false(false) None(dbase) dBase(ibase) Firebird/InterBase(fbsql) Frontbase(ifx) Informix(msql) mSQL(mssql) MS SQL Server(mysql) MySQL(mysqli) MySQL (mysqli)(oci8) Oracle(odbc) ODBC(pgsql) PostgreSQL(sqlite) SQLite(sybase) SybaseType your choice: mysqlType your choice: mysqlRequest persistent connections? 0(1) Yes(0) NoType your choice: 1Username to connect to the database as.

hordePassword to connect with hordeHow should we connect to the database? unix(unix) UNIX Sockets(tcp) TCP/IPType your choice: tcpDatabase server/host.

localhostPort the DB is running on, if non-standard 3306 EnterDatabase name to use. hordeInternally used charset. utf-8 EnterUse SSL to connect to the server? 0(1) Yes(0) NoType your choice: 0Split reads to a different server? false(false) Disabled(true) EnabledType your choice: falseWriting main configuration fileDone configuring database settings.Horde Groupware Webmail Edition Configuration Menu(0) Exit(1) Configure database settings(2) Create database or tables(3) Configure administrator settings(4) Update PEAR for a new or changed location(5) Update from an older Horde Groupware Webmail Edition versionType your choice: 2Should we create the database for you? If yes, you need to provide a databaseuser that has permissions to create new databases on your system.

If no, wewill only create the database tables for you. InstagramTerjadi error saat mengambil gambar dari Instagram. Upaya akan diulangi beberapa menit lagi.


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Horde Groupware Install

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Current Horde Stable Release. (2017-09-21)Horde and all Horde applications now utilize a PEAR basedinstallation method. You can install all Horde applications andlibraries by following the directions in the. You mayalso download the PEAR tarball fromour directly.

Deprecated Horde 3 Stable Release. (2012-02-10).Obtaining Current Development SnapshotsThe current development version of Horde Groupware Webmail Edition is available via.Obtaining Old VersionsOld versions can be obtained from our.

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